
Quiet, Stillness, Support...

This last weekend girls were prayed for at a prayer meeting just for them...girls both in high school and college. The goal is just to provide an atmosphere of quiet, stillness, and support in prayer.

God gave, through Scripture and prayer, some wonderful images of His relationship with each of them.

If you don't believe in God speaking to you through prayer, this may not make sense to you. But we had a room full of young girls, who by choice are living lives in relationship with Jesus, who find their purpose and identity in Him. They are filled with hope and confidence in their futures. And a security of relationship with God.

Not everyone believes this way, which I get and that's okay. But for those who do, or who seek for something like this, nights like this are such an encouragement. Such a boost for girls to see God intimately involved in relationship with them.

Photo credit: Joy Magee

"You're nestled under His wing, in comfort and protection, as He battles above, on your behalf."

Encouragment  received that she is on the right track, He's pleased she is determined to serve Him. He's right there with her as she makes daily decisions. She can be confident that she will make good decisions as she stays consistent.

"You don't have to know everything now. God's got it figured out ahead of you. Rest. Be at peace."

God appreciates her being one of those who seek Him and seek to understand Him.

"The road may be lonely as you make decisions that separate you from others, but it won't be lonely with Him. He's got your back."

"Good things to come- don't let go of the dream, it's still valid and still there."

What better thing can you ask to hear from high school and college aged girls than "Can we do this every month??" (and I never remember to take pictures at these meetings! or I'd post these lovely ladies!)

Girls seeking prayer. Seeking God.

God proving Himself  faithful, involved and caring.

Donna Greene, who has worked with teen girls for well over 30 years, says in her book "Growing Godly Women":

"The Bible helps a girl to look deep within her soul in order to find and begin to know her true self. She learns to acknowledge her own unique gifts and accept her true feelings and limitations. She begins to make decisions about values, standards, and commands from God. What is socially acceptable does not necessarily match God's Word. The Bible teaches her a process, which includes knowing the difference between thinking and feeling, between hearing her own voice and that of another person rather than the will of the Lord. God's Word shows a girl the difference between immediate gratification and long-term goals. Culture may change but God's guidelines do not. They help a girl chart a course based upon the road which, although narrow, leads to joy, confidence, personal satisfaction and peace."

Many, many sources, whether they consider themselves "Christian" or not,  agree that teens have a need to understand and experience spiritual things.  It helps them process life.

Ladies in my local area, if you have never heard of or been to an iRefresh prayer meeting, I encourage you to check out one of these monthly meetings, for a similar experience for women. Look at their website at

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